Friday, February 5, 2010

Strange Facts of This World

The two-foot long bird called a Kea that lives in New Zealand likes to eat the strips of rubber around car windows!

Most lipstick contains fish scales!

Skepticisms is the longest word that alternates hands when typing!

One ragweed plant can release as many as one billion grains of pollen!

It's illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while you're sitting on a curb in St. Louis!

The first product to have a bar code was Wrigleys gum!  

No piece of square dry paper can be folded more than 7 times in half!

A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein!

Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people!

There are more than 10 million bricks in the Empire State Building!

If you counted 24 hours a day, it would take 31,688 years to reach one trillion!

Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive!

A crocodile always grows new teeth to replace the old teeth!  

The sun is 330,330 times larger than the earth!

Clinophobia is the fear of beds!

A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second!

     Porcupines float in water!

Pinocchio is Italian for "pine eye"!

The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet!

The average life span of a major league baseball is 5-7 pitches!

The Mint once considered producing doughnut-shaped coins!

The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable"!

The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Completing The Incompleteness

Sometimes we really feel very sad from the inner, that feel of sadness suddenly vanishes when get something or meet someone or talk to someone. Its not because we get diverted by all that and we loose the sadness its purely because we had longed for it and that was the causative we had missed the thing or person from deep within which was expressed as sadness few times it also come out as anger, restlessness, tears, stress or sense of defeat and loneliness The best way to turn around things is to find what we miss and go ahead the question arises that we cannot make ourselves happy how can we make other happy the truth and answer is hidden within "A lock might have all elements to lock itself but it takes a KEY from outside to unlock" ,thus nobody on earth can be HAPPY BEING ALONE
we need others to complete our incompleteness,
other need us to complete their incompleteness
So lets give people who need us,
lets find people whom we need

Monday, February 1, 2010

Few Days That Tears Us Apart

There are always nice days in life which makes us the kings and queens of this life but there also days makes us to feel ill our self.
tougher days which makes tears rolling like stone which never gains any mass
where heart is torn apart by people who very close to us whom we always have faith that they are for us... every moment of life we think of them and their well being....
very hard to face them when the question our integrity
since we always lived in hopes that their isn't a life without them ....
they sudden come down us saying many things which we weren't even a causative of...
eye still wets the cheeks
heads down
brain thinks the memories of nicer moments
heart taking up all the pain
body coming to saturation
finally letting things go off
since we lost the HOPE
lost the PURPOSE of Being HERE
when people feel we a heavy for them to carry in their life
we feel torn apart
however be the future and they way them come back
the DAY STILL TORE US APART pushing us to the edge of this world ...................................

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hi again,

Man himself being an extraordinary creation
He poses lots of threat through his creation
But this isn't about that but about another asset he has,
HIS Heart
people make all effort to control, conquer, communicate
with hearts
They built forts around it make it tough for people enter
but thing is they built fort in such a way that once people
manage to break them they always remain close to it ,
toughest part is that when people next to it starts wound
the heart
like it hurts like anything and the worst part is that,we were the ones
who opened all gate and locked it all to make the person stay intact
thus people should always worth the hearts they broke into never
ever hurt it even we aren't able to cherish it..........

Thursday, January 28, 2010

i was walking on the road just the perfect time
to spend on myself
right ambiance
to allow my mind to find the values of my life
breeze flowing around me like soft hug
that says that its there for me always

life is as precious i accept but
we don't approach it that way
we loose the present moment to
analyze the past
r plan the future
which makes it worthless of living that moment..

lets make it a point to live only the moments we get
lets face every second with smile
lets always be accept anything that comes our ways

lets be born in PAST
lets live for the PRESENT
and we might DIE only in FUTURE


Monday, February 23, 2009


The needs of a man are endless , he strives through out his life to attain his needs ,makes sure that he is happy only if his needs are fulfilled to its best. The purpose of life is like fuel that is very vital and makes him run the distance he wants.
In this process everyone wants to be a winner, strives for victory but one should understand the basic and important difference between the terms success and winning .The winning is when you feel that u have achieved your aim or when you have paved way to attain your expectation.The story of success is completely different , its based on the environment in which you have won. The fragrance of success is good only when u have people around you to cherish it and those people turn out to be your loved ones ,thus catching a fish in lonely island isn't a success .success makes sure that your winning is not top of others loses . It is like a sun that provides brightness without distinguishing the people at the receiving end.
so think again