Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Completing The Incompleteness

Sometimes we really feel very sad from the inner, that feel of sadness suddenly vanishes when get something or meet someone or talk to someone. Its not because we get diverted by all that and we loose the sadness its purely because we had longed for it and that was the causative we had missed the thing or person from deep within which was expressed as sadness few times it also come out as anger, restlessness, tears, stress or sense of defeat and loneliness The best way to turn around things is to find what we miss and go ahead the question arises that we cannot make ourselves happy how can we make other happy the truth and answer is hidden within "A lock might have all elements to lock itself but it takes a KEY from outside to unlock" ,thus nobody on earth can be HAPPY BEING ALONE
we need others to complete our incompleteness,
other need us to complete their incompleteness
So lets give people who need us,
lets find people whom we need